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Student Testimonials


Photo by Xmbphotography 

Rench Soriano

The Washington Ballet Studio Company, US

When I first came to New Zealand School of Dance everyone was talking about a great teacher, a teacher who honed many great dancers. When I first had Qi, he was intense, strict but somehow very cool. He would show a full out demonstration of movements and tricks that blew me away. He is a very passionate person and is willing to share all his knowledge and experiences to people. Qi is one of the most generous people I know. Learning from Qi is what made me who I am today. 

What made Qi very influential is his way of mentoring people. Not only will he show and teach but he makes sure you sleep thinking about it. I just want to thank Qi for being an excellent educator and a friend simultaneously. You are not just a teacher but also an inspiration. Everyone is lucky to have you as a guide. 


Tessa Karle

Royal New Zealand Ballet

I have had the immense privilege of having Qi as a teacher and mentor over the three years I spent as a Classical Ballet Major at the New Zealand School of Dance. Qi is an incredible tutor who deeply cares about each student, and wants to see them grow technically, artistically and also individually as young people. He possesses a unique wealth of knowledge from his years as a professional dancer which he is able to use to create an environment where students can realise their true potential and prepare for their own careers as dancers. 

I consider Qi to be one of the most influential tutors that I have had in my life, as he always pushed me to be my best and to achieve more than I knew I was capable of. I will forever be grateful for the wisdom he shared with us, and the lessons I learnt in his classes that I will carry with me throughout my career. 


Photo by Lokyee Szeto


Photo by Stephen A'Court

Sumika Ikemoto

Columbia Classical Ballet Company


Qi taught me when I was in New Zealand School of Dance. It was a precious experience for me to be taught by Qi who was the principal dancer of the Royal New Zealand Ballet. I learned a lot of things. His class was sometimes difficult, but it came in useful once I joined a ballet company. His class made me strong; I really liked his pas de deux class. He also supported me in the pas de deux classes, so I was able to try many new and difficult techniques. I looked forward to taking his class every time.

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Yayoi Sasaki

Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, US

Qiにはニュージーランドスクールオブダンスで2年間教わりました。 Qiのクラスはいつも順番を変えてくださるため、毎日レッスンを受けていても飽きることがありま せんでした。
シンプルな英語で伝えてくださるため、日本人の私でも理解しやすかったです。 また、バレエのテクニックを練習しているとき、身体の使い方が間違っていたら、Qi自身が自分 の身体を使ってどう間違っているかを示してくださるので、シンプルな英語に加えてさらに分かり やすいクラスでした。
ほとんどのバレエの先生は順番を説明するとき、言葉だけで示すことが多いですが、Qiはまだま だダンサーとして現役なので、特にビックジャンプのときはお手本を披露してくださいます。それ を見たくて、私のクラスでは毎回Qiに『お手本見せてください!』と頼んでいました(笑)
何十人という大きなクラスでも、一人一人気にかけて見てくださるので、自分は見てもらえない と落ち込むことはありませんでした。
パドドゥのクラスでは、プロのダンサーがこなすような振り付けに挑戦させてもらえたので、毎 回新鮮でとても楽しかったのを覚えています。

I was taught by Qi for two years at New Zealand School of Dance. Qi was well-respected in NZSD and all of us loved his ballet class. Qi always modified the ballet exercises every class so even when taking his class every day, it was never boring. He uses simple English – even though I am Japanese, I can understand what he says. If we used our bodies the wrong way during class, he would explain it using his own body so it was easy to understand the class. When most ballet teachers explain exercises to us, they usually just do so using only words – but Qi actually dances to teach us, especially during big jumps, as he is still active as a dancer. My classmates and I always look forward to his personal demonstrations of advanced techniques.

Even in a large class of dozens of people, he teaches each and every person carefully so that no one felt disappointed or left out. In pas de deux class, he made us try difficult choreography that a professional dancer would do, and while challenging, it was very fun and valuable. 

Photo by Stephen A'Court

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Photo by Riku Ito

George Liang

Northern Ballet, UK

祁欢老师给了我踏入舞蹈专业世界的基础训练、勇气和信心。 凭借他在整个职业生涯中获得的丰富知识,我为我在舞蹈生涯中将面临的所有挑战做好了充分的准备。 我很感激祁老师对我舞蹈学习的帮助。

Qi Huan gave me the fundamental training, courage and confidence to step into the professional world of Dance. With his rich knowledge that he gained throughout his career, I was well prepared for all the challenges that I would face in my dance career. Qi Huan is a teacher I am very grateful to have crossed paths with.

Yeo Chan Yee

Singapore Dance Theatre

Having Qi as a teacher while I was training at the New Zealand School of Dance was a valuable experience. With his coaching and guidance, I improved a great deal and achieved much more than I thought was possible. As a previous Principal dancer with the Royal New Zealand Ballet, he has a vast amount of knowledge to pass on to his students. He not only taught me how to improve technically but also prepared me artistically for a professional career in a ballet company.

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Photo by Bernie Ng

Photo by Bernie Ng

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Photo by The National Ballet of Canada & Karolina Kuras

Tirion Law

The National Ballet of Canada

Mr. Qi is not only an amazing dancer, but also a great teacher. I was lucky enough to have Qi as my ballet teacher when I studied at the New Zealand School of Dance. He is a caring and selfless teacher who is always willing to share everything that he knows and his experiences with us. Qi is also an enthusiastic teacher that will push us everyday in class to make us a better dancer.

Photo by Karolina Kuras

Song Teng

Houston Ballet, US


Qi is very rigorous and humorous in class, which makes me more active in class. He unreservedly taught all his students the lessons of his dance career, which also had a great influence on me. 

Photo by Kate Yu

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