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Terms & Conditions

The Terms and Conditions listed below (updated on: 27 February 2023) will take effect from 1 April 2023.

For reference to current T&Cs effective till 31 March 2023, please click here



1.    These terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) shall apply to all students who enrol for classes (including trial classes) and events (including workshops) and/or purchase class packages with Ballet Quarter Singapore Pte Ltd (“School” or “Ballet Quarter”). 


2.    Aside from these T&Cs, the School may also issue other policies (eg. Uniform Regulations) which shall apply to students. Students should familiarise themselves with the most updated versions of the policies, and comply with and abide by them.


3.    These T&Cs may refer to certain fees which are payable by students to the School which are in addition to term, monthly or course fees. Further details about the fees are set out in the School’s Fee Schedule, which may be revised by the School from time to time. The most updated version of the Fee Schedule shall apply at any one point in time. 






4.    Students should be enrolled in a class type and level which is appropriate to their level of skill and experience, as determined by the School. 


5.    For students enrolled in the following class types – Ballet for Tots, Pre-Primary Foundation, RAD Pre-Primary, RAD Primary in Dance, RAD Grades 1-5, RAD Vocational Grades, Pre-Professional Programme: 

(a)    Students will continue to be enrolled in their current class type and level until the School determines that the student has made sufficient progress to advance to the next level. 

(b)    The School will inform students when they are assessed to have made sufficient progress to advance to the next level. The student will then be enrolled by the School in the next level in accordance with the School’s timetable and schedule, and will be charged class fees for the next level from the date of such enrolment. 

(c)    If students wish to remain in the current level, they should inform the School in writing by the deadline stipulated by the School. The School may, at its discretion, decide whether the student will be allowed to remain in the current level. 


6.    Students are required to be punctual for class.  Students who are more than 10 minutes late for a class may be denied entry/ participation in the class, at the Instructor’s discretion.


7.    Students should abide by the Uniform Regulations put in place by the School, which may be updated from time to time.  


8.    The School may change the timing, date, curriculum and/or instructors of classes, courses or events, or cancel any class, course or event, with or without notice, where circumstances require or any unforeseen circumstances arise.


9.    Physical contact by members of the teaching staff might be necessary during classes. If parents, wards or students have any concerns about physical contact, please inform the School in writing at the point of enrolment, or as early as possible once any such concerns arise. 


10.    If a student who is scheduled to attend a class has sustained an injury or is in the midst of recovering from an injury but still wishes to attend and/or observe the class, the student should notify the School of the details of the injury via email at at least 24 hours prior to commencement of a class, or as early as possible once any such injury arises. The student should also inform the instructor of the details of the injury again at the start of the class. Depending on the nature and/or severity of the injury, the School or instructor has the full discretion to decide whether the student should only be allowed to observe and not participate in the class, or whether the student’s participation in the class should be limited in any way.  




11.    The School shall be entitled to refuse to endorse and/or register students as candidates for examinations/ certifications if, in the opinion of the School, a student has a poor attendance record and/or has not sufficiently learned the required skills and/or techniques.
12.    In addition to the applicable official Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) examination fees, an Examination Administrative Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule, is payable to the School by each student registering for the RAD Examinations. These fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Should a Student withdraw from the School or s
hould the School for any reason wish to discontinue a student’s enrolment with the School, in the course of a School term after the RAD examination registration and before the examination takes place, the Student forfeits his/her right to attend the exam with immediate effect.


13.    Internal mock examinations may be arranged by the Head of Dance Programme to provide a formal assessment of each student’s progress, and to provide constructive feedback beneficial to each student’s development. Students are required to attend the internal mock examination, and be fully committed to preparation for the internal mock examination.





14.    Students may be offered opportunities to participate in performances or recitals which the School may organise from time to time. Participation in any performance or recital is subject to compliance with any requirements put in place by the School in connection with the performance or recital. 


15.    A Performance Participation Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule, is payable to the School by each student prior to the start of rehearsals relating to the performance or recital. This fee is non-refundable. Additional fees (eg. Costume Fees) may also be payable by participating students and such fees will generally be non-refundable unless the School informs otherwise. 


16.    The School shall be entitled to refuse to allow a student to participate in any performances or recitals if, in the opinion of the School, a student has a poor attendance record and/or has not sufficiently learned the required skills and/or techniques.  




17.    The School reserves the right to take recordings or photographs during classes, recitals and performances at the School’s premises and at recital or performance venues for use relating to the School’s promotional and marketing activities. Such recordings or photographs shall belong to the School and students are not entitled to any payment from the commercial use or exploitation of such photographs or recordings. Any student who wishes to opt out of being recorded or photographed must inform the School in writing and may not be permitted to participate in classes, recitals and performances where the School will be taking recordings or photographs. 


18.    Recording and photography by students during classes, recitals and performances is not allowed except where the School has given advance permission. The School may impose any conditions it deems fit when granting such permission.





19.    For students enrolled in the following class types – Ballet for Tots, Pre-Primary Foundation, RAD Pre-Primary, RAD Primary in Dance, RAD Grades 1-5, RAD Vocational Grades, Pre-Professional Programme: 


(a)    Students will have to make payment of a one-time Registration Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule, to the School at the point of enrolment into the School Term. Registration Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. 


(b)    Students are also required to pay a Deposit Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule, at the point of enrolment, and/or as required by the School. The Deposit Fee will vary depending on class type / level and will only be refunded (less any transaction fees) after the student completely discontinues his/her enrolment with the School.


(c)    For students enrolled in one class type / level only, the Deposit Fee will be equal to the amount payable for that class type / level, as set out in the Fee Schedule. 


(d)    For students enrolled in more than one class type, the Deposit Fee will be equal to the highest amount payable for the class types or levels enrolled in by the student, as set out in the Fee Schedule. Even if the student subsequently withdraws from that class type, the Deposit Fee will not change, and will continue to remain the same unless the student is enrolled in another class type or level with higher fees.  


(e)    When a student advances a grade, the student will be required to pay any difference in Deposit Fee for the previous grade and the new grade by any deadline stipulated by the School. 


20.    For students enrolled in the following class types – Ballet for Tots, Pre-Primary Foundation, RAD Pre-Primary, RAD Primary, RAD Grades 1-5, RAD Vocational Grades, Pre-Professional Programme: 


(a)    Class fees, which may be revised from time to time, are charged on a monthly and recurring basis


(b)    Unless otherwise agreed with the School, class fees for the next month will be charged to the credit card registered with the School for each student on around the 25th day of the current month.


21.    A student has previously withdrawn from the School but wishes to re-enrol with the School will have to pay the Registration Fee and Deposit Fee as stated above.


22.    Class fees may vary depending on the class type and level the student is enrolled in.


23.    All fees, including the Deposit Fee, the Registration Fee and term fees, shall be paid in full before the student is permitted to attend any classes. 


24.    All purchases of class packages are non-refundable and non-transferrable. All purchases of uniforms and other merchandise are non-returnable and non-refundable. 


25.    After enrolment in a class/ level has been confirmed, requests to change classes/ levels are subject to the School’s discretion. If the School approves a request to change classes/ levels, the student may be required to pay a Class/Level Change Administrative Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule, and any difference in deposits for the new class type or grade. If there is any surplus in deposit, it will be refunded to the student (less any transaction fees) or used to offset the next month’s fees at the School’s option. 


26.    Students should not enrol or register for classes or courses if they are unsure whether they will be able to attend. Unless these T&Cs specifically provide otherwise, if students are unable to attend a class or course which they have enrolled in or registered for, they should inform the School beforehand, at least 12 hours prior to the start of class. Students should also take note of the Missed Classes and Make-Up Classes Arrangements in these T&Cs. 


27.    For Adult Ballet / Contemporary Open classes:  Students must inform the School via email ( that they will be missing a class at least 12 hours prior to the start of the class, in order for the class credit to be refunded. This 12-hour cancellation window shall be strictly adhered to. If a student informs the School that they will missing a class less than 12 hours prior to the start of the class, the credit for the class will be forfeited unless the School, in its discretion, determines that there are extenuating circumstances.  The School does not offer make-up classes for missed Adult Ballet / Contemporary Open classes. 


28.    Unless these T&Cs specifically provide otherwise, a student who misses a class or course shall not be entitled to any return, refund or pro-rating of monthly or package fees, and the fees for the missed class cannot be refunded in cash or as class credits. 


29.    Package-Holders for the Adult Ballet, Contemporary Open, and Private Coaching courses may write in via email to to request for a transfer of their unused and valid Package credits to another person (“Transferee”) if (1) the Package Holder provides a valid Medical Letter/Certificate indicating that the Package Holder is medically unfit for physical activity for the duration of the package validity and (2) less than 50% of the package credits have been utilised at the point of transfer. The Transferee will be able to utilise the remainder of the Package for the remaining duration of the package’s validity period. 


30.    All fees are subject to review and revision from time to time. The School may make revisions to fees at its discretion provided that not less than one month’s prior written notice of such revision is given to the students or their parents or guardians.




31.    Students who wish to enrol in the Pre-Professional Programme should take note of and must agree to the additional terms and conditions specified by the School in the Pre-Professional Programme Terms & Conditions, which terms shall supplement the present T&Cs. Unless expressly stated otherwise, in the event of any conflict between these T&Cs and the Pre-Professional Programme Terms & Conditions, the latter shall prevail. 





32.    If a class is scheduled to fall on a Public Holiday, the class will not be conducted. Parents/wards/students may arrange for their child/ward/self to attend a replacement class within the week of the Public Holiday itself with a different grouping (if available) within the same grade/class type, provided that maximum class capacity has not been reached and subject to the payment of fees for additional lessons not included in the student’s monthly fees. Should the teacher-in-charge decide there is a need for a replacement class or an extra practice session, the parent/ward/student will be informed so that a class may be arranged, subject to the payment of fees for additional lessons not included in the student’s monthly fees. 


33.    If the School cancels any class, whether due to unforeseen circumstances (eg. illness of the instructor, epidemics or pandemics) or otherwise, the School will endeavour to schedule a replacement class, where feasible. However, the replacement class may take place on a different day and/or time from the original class, and the School does not guarantee that students will be able to attend the replacement class. No refund will be provided to students who are unable to attend the replacement class. 


34.    Arrangements for missed classes will differ depending on the type of classes missed by a student. 


35.    The arrangements for missed classes in examinable grades are as follows: 


(a)    For students missing classes in RAD Primary in Dance

(i)    The student should arrange to make up the missed class by attending a class with another grouping within the same grade, within the next 2 calendar weeks after the missed class

(ii)    If the student is unable to attend the class with another grouping, the student will not be eligible to attend other make-up classes, and the fees for the missed class will be forfeited.


(b)    For students missing classes in RAD Grades 1-5, Vocational Intermediate Foundation, and who are intending to take examinations in that grade (i.e. students who attend RAD classes twice a week)

(i)    The student should arrange to attend the make-up class conducted during the next School Holiday, as set out in the School’s calendar.  

(ii)    The student need not provide the School with the reason for the missed class in order to be eligible for (i).

(iii)   The student will only be eligible to attend a maximum of 2 make-up classes during each School Holiday. If a student misses more than 2 classes between the end of each School Holiday and the start of the next School Holiday, the student will not be eligible to attend any more make-up classes, and the fees for the additional missed classes will be forfeited. 


(c)    For students missing classes in RAD Grades 1-5, Vocational Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate and who are NOT intending to take examinations in that grade (i.e. students who attend RAD class once a week):

(i)    The student should arrange to make up the missed class by attending a class with an alternative timeslot within the same grade, if available, within the next 2 calendar weeks after the missed class.

(ii)    The student need not provide the School with the reason for the missed class in order to be eligible for (i). 

(iii)    If the student is unable to attend the alternative class, the student will not be eligible to attend other make-up classes, and the fees for the missed class will be forfeited. 


(d)    For students missing classes in RAD Vocational Intermediate, Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2, and who are intending to take examinations in that grade:

(i)    The students should arrange to make up the missed class by attending a class with the grade directly below, within the next 2 calendar weeks after the missed class

(ii)    The student need not provide the School with the reason for the missed class in order to be eligible for (i).

(iii)    If the student is unable to attend the class with the grade directly below, the student will not be eligible to attend other make-up classes, and the fees for the missed class will be forfeited. 


36.    Further details on make-up classes are as follows: 


(a)    Make-up classes will only be conducted during the School Holidays set out in the School’s calendar. Classes missed since the end of the last School Holiday must be made up during the next School Holiday (subject to any applicable limitations as stated above), otherwise eligibility to attend any make-up class for the missed class will be forfeited. 


(b)    The School will endeavour to announce the dates and timings of the make-up classes at least 7 days before the start of each School Holiday. As the make-up classes are subject to availability and scheduling requirements, the School does not guarantee that the student will be able to attend the make-up class(es). 


(c)    If the student wishes to request for a make-up class to be conducted during the School’s regular term within the same term that the class was missed, or if the teacher-in-charge decides that there is a need for such a class, these classes will be deemed as Private Coaching classes and charged at Private Coaching rates. 


(d)   For students under the arrangements listed out in 35 (a), (c), (d), 37 (a) and (b), should the student miss classes in the week directly before a School Holiday, the student should arrange to make up the missed class by attending a class with another grouping within the same grade or with the grade directly below (as applicable), within the first calendar week following the end of the School Holiday.


37.    The arrangements for missed classes in non-examinable grades are as follows: 


(a)    For students missing classes in Ballet for Tots, Pre-Primary Foundation, RAD Pre-Primary:

(i)    The student should arrange to make up the missed class by attending a class with another grouping within the same grade, within the next 2 calendar weeks after the missed class

(ii)    The student need not provide the School with the reason for the missed class in order to be eligible for (i).

(iii)    If the student is unable to attend a class with another grouping within the next calendar week, the student will not be eligible to attend other make-up classes, and the fees for the missed class will be forfeited. 


(b)    For students missing classes in the Pre-Professional Programme:

(i)    If the student misses a class due to illness, injury or emergency family matters, the student should arrange to make up the missed class by attending another pre-professional class within two calendar weeks after the missed class. A Level I student should arrange to attend a Level II class; a Level II student should arrange to attend a Level I class; and a Level III student should arrange to attend a Level II class. In the case of missed classes due to injury or emergency family matters, the School has the discretion to allow the student to make up the missed class at a later time if there are extenuating circumstances. 

(ii)    If a student knows in advance that he/she will be missing class(es) during the term, the School may allow the student to make up the missed class(es) in accordance with the arrangement at (i) if the student provides the School with a valid reason for missing the class in writing and receives the School’s written approval to miss the class prior to the start of each School term. Valid reasons will only include representing the School in competitions or attending dance-related intensives or masterclasses (as approved by the Artistic Director). 


(c)    For the avoidance of doubt, this section does not apply to Adult Ballet/ Contemporary Open or Private Coaching classes. 


38.    The School does not offer make up arrangements for missed Private Coaching sessions, and the fees for missed Private Coaching sessions will not be refunded. 


39.    Arrangements for make-up classes or courses may be made via email ( Make-up classes or courses may be subject to the payment of additional fees/ administrative fees as decided by the School. 




40.    Students who wish to participate in competitions as a representative of the School must either: 


(a)    be enrolled in the Pre-Professional Programme. The terms and conditions set out in the Pre-Professional Programme Terms & Conditions shall also apply; or


(b)    if the student is an adult student who is not enrolled in the Pre-Professional Programme, the student must be deemed ready to participate in competitions as a representative of the School by the Artistic Director in writing (an “Adult Competition Student”) and meet the requirements below.


41.    For each competition, the student representing the School will be required to pay the School:


(a)    a non-refundable Competition Administrative Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule; 

(b)    the registration fees for the competition; 

(c)    costume production and/or shipping costs; and

(d)    any other applicable fees and costs, which the School will inform the student of. 


42.    The student will be entitled to retain any prize money awarded to the student at each competition. However, the School reserves the right to borrow any trophies, medals and/or certificates for an indefinite period of time for display purposes. 


43.    Once an Adult Competition Student starts to attend competition coaching with the School, he/she must be coached exclusively by the School’s instructor(s) and not by any other instructor or school. The School and the Adult Competition Student shall mutually agree on an appropriate training and coaching schedule, which the Adult Competition Student should adhere to. 


44.    If the Adult Competition Student also intends to participate in other dance genre categories within the competition at which he/she intends to represent the School, he/she must inform the School as soon as possible and in any case, prior to the Adult Competition Student’s registration for the competition as the School’s representative. The School may take this into consideration when determining whether the Adult Competition Student shall be allowed to represent the School in that competition.  


45.    The School reserves the right to disallow and/or withdraw an Adult Competition Student from participating in a competition as a representative of the School if the Adult Competition Student breaches any of the above requirements and/or does not comply with the School’s instructions regarding the Adult Competition Student’s participation in the Competition.  In such an event, any wasted fees or costs arising from the Adult Competition Student’s non-participation / withdrawal in the competition shall be borne by the Adult Competition Student and the latter shall not be entitled to any refunds from the School. 





46.    Training at a different dance school / academy or under an external instructor may create confusion in the way a student is being taught ballet techniques due to differing training styles and content. Except for Adult Ballet / Contemporary Open students, if a student is currently training at any other dance school / academy, training with an external instructor or participating in an external dance-related training programme, he/she should notify the School in writing prior to enrolment in any of the School’s programmes. Approval for the student’s enrolment will be at the Artistic Director’s discretion. The School reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrolment without any prior notice if it discovers that the student has not complied with this clause. 


47.    In general, during a student’s enrolment with the School (except for Adult Ballet / Contemporary Open students), a student should not register for or attend any other dance-related training programme or class with another school or under an external instructor. If the student wishes to do so, the student should seek School’s approval in writing prior to registration for the other training programme or class. The School reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrolment without any prior notice if it discovers that the student has not complied with this clause and/or has proceeded to attend the other training programme or class without the School’s approval. 





48.    Should a student wish to undergo Private Coaching with the School, the student will be required to seek written approval from the Artistic Director to attend Private Coaching sessions if the student is currently:


(a)    Enrolled in an elite / pre-professional programme with another school;
(b)    Undergoing competition coaching at another school or under an external instructor;
(c)    Learning the RAD Examination Syllabus at another school; or
(d)    Registered for an upcoming RAD Syllabus Examination at another school.


49.    The School has the full discretion to determine whether the student should be allowed to undergo or continue Private Coaching with the School. The School reserves the right to refuse a student’s request for Private Coaching and/or to discontinue Private Coaching at any time, and the School is not required to explain or provide any reasons for such refusal or discontinuance. Where Private Coaching is discontinued, the student will be refunded the fees paid for any unused Private Coaching sessions.  


50.    Private Coaching Rates Structure based on Enrolment Status (Member or Public)


(a)    A student is deemed a Member student of Ballet Quarter upon enrolment into Ballet for Tots, Pre-Primary Foundation, RAD Pre-Primary, the RAD Examination Syllabus, Pre-Professional Programme, or purchase of an Adult Ballet / Contemporary Open Package. Member students of Ballet Quarter will be eligible for Member Private Coaching Rates, which may be reviewed and revised from time to time.

(b)    Students who are not enrolled in the class types at (a), or who have not purchased an 8-Class Adult Ballet / Contemporary Open Package, will be charged Public Private Coaching Rates, which may be reviewed and revised from time to time.




51.    Students above 12 years old who satisfy all the following three requirements at the same time:

(a)    currently enrolled in the Pre-Professional Programme;
(b)    hold an ongoing Private Coaching 10-hour or 20-hour package; and 
(c)    currently enrolled in the RAD Graded or Vocational Programme; 

are eligible to attend complimentary Adult Ballet Classes, including Intro to Ballet, Level I and Open Class Levels. The eligible student must give a minimum of 12 hours’ prior notice to the Front of House staff should he/she wish to attend a complimentary class, and a class spot will be confirmed subject to class capacity. The eligible student is entitled to attend an unlimited number of Adult Ballet classes.





52.    Students may be allowed to use the studio allocated for their class up to 30 minutes before and/or after their class for warm-up and cool-down, provided that the studio is not in use for other classes or events. If students wish to use the studios outside of these times, they will have to put in a request for studio hire and pay the applicable Studio Hire Fee, as set out in the Fee Schedule (if the studio is available for rental). 


53.    The School’s studios are available for hire when they are not in use for scheduled lessons in the School’s timetable or other events. All individuals who wish to put in a request for studio hire must email the School at The booking is confirmed only upon the School’s confirmation of availability, and receipt of the applicable Studio Hire Fee. 


54.    The studio hirer must keep to the timeslot booked. There will be no extension of hire duration, or refund or pro-rating of rental fees, should the hirer arrive past his/her booking time. 


55.    The hirer should take proper care of the premises and ensure that the studio is kept in clean and neat condition during their booking timeslots. No footwear should be worn in the studio; only ballet/jazz flats, foot thongs, socks or barefoot use of the studio is allowed. No food and drinks are allowed on the premises, aside from plain water.
56.    Cancellation Policy for studio hires


(a)    If a studio hirer wishes to cancel a booking which has been confirmed by the School, he/she should inform the School as soon as possible via email ( or, in urgent cases, via WhatsApp (+65 9299 0000). 

(b)    Studio hirers who make a cancellation more than or exactly 7 days before the booking start time, will receive a full refund of rental fees charged.

(c)    Studio hirers who cancel their booking between 7 days to 24 hours before booking start time, will receive a 50% refund of rental fees charged.

(d)    Cancellations submitted less than 24 hours before booking start time will not be refundable (i.e. rental fees will be forfeited).


57.    Requests may be made for a preferred Studio. However, the School will allocate a studio based on availability and cannot guarantee that the preferred studio will be allocated to the hirer. 





58.    Once enrolled in any class type (except for adult classes, packages and private coaching), a student’s enrolment will be deemed to continue every month until the student gives the School notice of their intention to discontinue lessons with or withdraw from the School. Such notice must be sent to the email “”; verbally informing an instructor or staff will not be sufficient.


59.    The discontinuance or withdrawal shall take effect at the end of the next calendar month after such written notice is given. During the next calendar month (ie. the notice period), the student should continue to pay monthly fees and attend classes as scheduled. 


60.    If the student will be withdrawing from the School entirely, the School will refund the Deposit Fee (less any transaction fees) to the student after the student’s last scheduled lesson with the School. The School reserves the right to retain the Deposit Fee if the student does not pay the monthly fees for the notice period. 


61.    After the student has given notice of his or her intention to discontinue lessons with or withdraw from the School, the student will not be entitled to attend any make-up lessons conducted during the upcoming School Holiday, or make up any missed classes by attending alternative classes (as applicable). No refund will be issued in respect of any missed classes which are not made up by the time the discontinuance or withdrawal takes effect. 


62.    Should the School for any reason wish to discontinue a student’s enrolment with the School in the course of a School term and/or any package, the School may do so by giving two (2) weeks’ notice to the student, whose enrolment will be deemed to end upon the expiry of the two (2) weeks. For the avoidance of doubt, the School shall not be required to explain or provide any reasons for the discontinuance. The School will refund the student the pro-rated fees for the remaining classes scheduled for the month in which the 2-week notice period ends.  


63.    For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these T&Cs shall derogate from the School’s right of termination at common law.




64.    The content of the School’s classes, courses, performances and recitals, including choreography, music compositions, arrangements, curriculum and syllabus, is the School’s proprietary information and must not be disclosed or released to any third party without the School’s prior approval. 


65.    The School is the sole legal and beneficial owner of all rights, titles and interests in and to any intellectual property right(s) conceived, originated, created and/or developed by the School or students for, during or pursuant to any classes, courses, courses, performances and recitals. Such rights include, without limitation, all rights which may subsist in trademarks, patents, registered or unregistered designs, copyrights, dance choreographies or other dramatic works, materials used in classes and courses, ideas, knowhow, methodologies and techniques. Students shall not use or otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, any of these rights without obtaining the prior written consent of the School. 




66.    Students consent to and shall comply with and/or be bound by the terms of the School’s Data Protection Policy.  




67.    Save for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, the School and/or its directors, officers, staff, representatives, volunteers, contractors, agents and other persons performing services on behalf of the School shall not be liable to any student for any claim, loss, expenses (including reasonable fees, or similar costs), damage or harm howsoever arising, whether by act or omission, including but not limited to any breach of contract or breach of duty or negligence, relating to or in the course of the School’s activities and programmes.  


68.    Without derogating from the foregoing, in the event that liability is established against the School and/or its directors, officers, staff, contractors and agents, such liability shall not in the aggregate exceed the fees paid by the student to the School for the student’s latest enrolment in a term or course/ the latest class package purchased by the student (as applicable). 


69.    Each student and his/her parents/ wards shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the School and/or its directors, officers, staff, representatives, volunteers, contractors, agents and other persons performing services on behalf of the School from and against any claims, loss, costs and expenses (including reasonable fees, or similar costs) in connection with any action or claim brought or made (or threatened to be brought or made) by third parties arising from or in connection with the student’s conduct relating to or during the School’s activities and programmes.


70.    By enrolling in and participating in the School’s programmes, students and their parents/ wards warrant that the students are physically fit and sufficiently prepared for participation in the programmes, and do not suffer from any medical conditions which could cause or result in injury to the student during the School’s activities and programmes. The School shall not be held liable for any injury or aggravation to injury resulting from a student’s prior injury or injuries which were not satisfactorily disclosed to the School. 





71.    Save for emergencies, all communications from students to the School should be made via email to the School’s official email address, “”. 


72.    In the event of emergencies, students may contact the School via Whatsapp at +65 9299 0000. However, the School does not warrant that it will be able to provide an instant or immediate response. 


73.    Any communications regarding students, classes or information relating to events organised by the School will be sent via email and/or via WhatsApp to the email address and/or contact number provided by each student to the School at the point of student profile creation or as updated by the students to the School. Students/ parents/ wards should ensure that they update the School as soon as possible if there are any changes to their email addresses and/or contact numbers. 


74.    Parents should only communicate with teachers regarding School-related matters during the official Parent-Teacher Meetings organised by the School. If a parent wishes to speak with a teacher outside of the scheduled Parent-Teacher Meetings, they should make an appointment with the front desk. Alternatively, parents may also request for an update on their enrolled child’s progress from the front of house staff.


75.    Direct communication with the School’s instructors via WhatsApp and other messaging platforms or voice calls through their personal numbers is strictly not allowed. 




76.    The School may revise these T&Cs from time to time at its discretion.  For existing students, unless otherwise stated, any revised T&Cs shall apply with immediate effect once the School gives written notice of the revisions. 




77.    Any and all matters relating to these T&Cs and/or a student’s interactions or dealings with the School shall be governed by Singapore law. 


78.    In the event of any dispute, parties agree to engage in good faith discussions for 30 days with a view to reaching an amicable resolution.  In the event that no resolution is reached, parties agree to submit their dispute to the Singapore Courts for determination. 




79.    Students should comply with all prevailing safe management measures put in place by the Government of Singapore to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Students should keep their masks on throughout the entire duration of the class unless they are permitted to remove their masks. If students are feeling unwell, they should not attend classes and should consult a doctor. 



Last updated: 27 February 2023.

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